Work at Metro

What is Metro?

Metro is a weekday morning paper delivering news to an army of commuters. It is read by more than 1million people and available for free at many transport hubs.

My role as chief sub-editor

I help lead a team of sub-editors who write the day's big stories into a clear and concise form. Unlike many other newspapers, Metro sub-editors have a more involved role in reporting stories. I distill lengthy copy from reporters, agencies and wire services  while conveying the important points. I also monitor developments on social media.  Part of my job includes revising other sub-editors work, checking for accuracy and rewriting headlines. I have also worked with the online team and produced online articles for

Notable stories

These included the London Olympics, five UK general elections, six UK prime ministers, the EU referendum and Brexit, COVID-19, four US presidential elections, wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. On this page you can find a selection of front page stories I sub-edited.

Metro's front page on March 10, 2022
Metro front page reporting murder of MP Jo Cox
Metro's report on prime minister Boris Johnson entering Downing Street
Metro's front page on Rishi Sunak calls 2024 election